
Waiting For Ur 2009 Calendar ~ Anthony Loke

So happy, Anthony . U still remember who am i. Yesterday, i suddenly feel i still not yet get the DAP calendar 2009, the important thing is the calendar of 2009 DAP got Anthony Loke’s photo. I hope i can get it from my auntie, but cant. My mom said tat can direct call Mr Anthony to get it, but i scared to do tat, lastly, i just sent him some message to get the calendar.

Anthony so nice, he said i can get it at his DAP office at Lobak. I told him, please keep one set for me, because i seldom go out and small chance to meet him to take the calendar. And i told him, my mom will help me to take at his office. HAHAHA,he still remember me, he said he re6 my letter b4, and promise me will mail the calendar to me. The most happy is , he said will sign it me.

Thanks Anthony , thanks u still remember me. I just a small fans, but u still put me at ur heart . Hope can meet u at outside.
